What kind of watch wear men? Right or left? Which hue is considered to be loved by feng shui?

What kind of watch wear men? Right or left?

Men frequently adore and use wristwatches because they are an essential piece of male attire that also demonstrates their level of sophistication. Many men pick wrist watches as feng shui products to improve their health and productivity at work. To learn more about which men’s timepieces are appropriate and which colors work best for feng shui read Julius’ essay.

For males, which watch is preferable?

Up to 90% of people worldwide are right-handed, hence most watches are made to fit the left hand, according to one statistic. Particularly, the watch’s right side houses both the watch face and the adjusting knob. But for males, choosing which side to wear a watch on depends on a variety of external factors, including habits, culture, interests, and living circumstances. As a result, there are no clear rules about which hand a guy should wear a watch. Basically, you should wear the watch on the side that seems most comfortable and convenient.

For males, which watch is preferable?
For males, which watch is preferable?

Since the non-dominant hand is rarely used, the watch can be worn there with less risk of damage from collision and water exposure, and its use is also more robust.

Which watch should small-handed men wear?

A watch with a diameter of 38 cm and a thin watch face of 11mm or less will be ideal and attractive for small wrists. For men, a wrist circumference of less than 15 cm will be deemed small. Watches with a diameter of 36 to 40mm will be ideal for males with a wrist circumference of 15 to 17 cm, and those with a watch face of 12mm or less will be especially suited.

Men with small wrists should opt for a compact watch, as aggressive watch designs will make the wrist appear much smaller and occasionally look overdone and out of date. Regarding the watch strap’s material, selecting a leather or fabric strap will be very suitable, while selecting a metal band would result in a rough and inappropriate feeling. The pleasant feel that the leather strap with the cloth strap will give you is quite appropriate.

However, if you prefer metal straps, you can select one with small, short eyes or ideal unisex watch designs. Choose watches with oval or rectangular faces; they will fit extremely well for gentlemen with small wrists.

What type of watch is best for a man with big wrists?

Similar to men with tiny wrists, men with large wrists also find it challenging to select the appropriate watch due to the availability of leather and fabric straps. People with small wrists should go for watches with metal straps and dial sizes between 38 and 42 mm. And the round dial is a great option; you can pair it with a leather band to evoke a sense of firmness and solidity, which also raises the overall rating in the other person’s eyes.

Purchase a watch that aligns with feng shui and destiny

The next gentleman is likewise highly interested in the color and material of the watch as it relates to destiny and feng shui while selecting the proper watch model. This element is crucial since it has the power to increase luck and drive away bad luck.

Watches for Metal destiny

The goods that remain with you should be chosen in line with your destiny, they will provide you with the most support in everything, regardless of the color of the paint on the walls, the clothes you wear, or the vehicle you drive. The primary colors of Metal destiny are white, grey, silver, and grey, so if you’re picking out a watch, a metal band with a white dial is ideal.

Watches for men’s Wood destiny

For men belonging to the Wood destiny, the color you should choose is green, which is the color representing your destiny, or blue, black is the color representing the Water destiny, which will make your work more convenient.

Watches for men’s Wood destiny
Watches for men’s Wood destiny

Watches for Water destiny

If you are a guy and the black and blue colors of the Water destiny apply to you, you stand for a wealth of natural resources. By bringing luck and riches to you, wearing a black watch would be very beneficial for your career.

Watches for Water destiny
Watches for Water destiny

Watches for Fire destiny

Red, pink, orange, and purple are appropriate to watch color choices for the fate of the Fire destiny people. Although there aren’t many of these hues used in men’s watch designs, you can pick one that symbolizes wood because fire gives life to it. Earthy brown and dark yellow are also good options appropriate for you.

Watches for Earth destiny

The hue of destiny for those who are meant for Earth is one that is associated with the Earth destiny, such as yellow, dark yellow, brown, or black. These hues are found on many men’s timepieces, making it simple to select the design. And the shade I favor. As Metal destiny was born on Earth, you can also think of colors like white, silver, or grey as representing your fate. This can also enable you to attract luck and riches.

Watches for Earth destiny
Watches for Earth destiny

Julius’s warranty policy for real men’s watches

Men’s watches at Julius are usually a favorite among customers due to their wide range of models, excellent quality, and very alluring warranties. You will obtain our warranty card when making a purchase at Julius, whether you do it in person or online.

If there is a manufacturer’s defect, you may use a warranty card to swap the goods. Julius is also free to change the first strap and change the watch band at a reduced price for the second time during the first year of purchase. The knowledgeable Julius staff will eagerly guide and assist you in making the best watch model choice.

If you have any questions, call the hotline at 0132458917, and we’ll be happy to help and offer advice.