Suggestions [99+] the most meaningful and practical Chinese New Year gifts for staff in 2023

Chinese New Year gifts for staff

Chinese New Year is the ideal time for companies to express their appreciation to their staff with tastefully presented Chinese New Year gifts after a year of hard work. This will always be a typical beauty, thus various Chinese New Year gift services have been developed to help your business exhibit their thoughtfulness and heart to their staff. However, with the variety of models, styles, and prices available today, it is important to select a trustworthy location to give Chinese New Year gifts for staff. Let reference this below artice of Julius to choose the most suitable gifts for your staffs!

1/ The significance of giving Chinese New Year gifts to staff

Well, as you know, gifts on Chinese New Year holidays or key events have a special value for all people since this is evidence to prove their sincerity, and cohesion as well as sharing joy. Chinese New Year gifts are still quite significant in the business since it makes staff feel that the company cares about them and their families. Because they have a deep meaning, which is to promote and honor the merits that have been provided to the companies for a year.

Each gift is provided with messages relating to the close relationship, the company’s concern, and respect for each staff member. So whether it is a company, big or small, sending Chinese New Year gifts to staff is a must-do.

Chinese New Year gifts for staff
The Chinese New Year gift has a profound meaning that is to encourage and acknowledge the merits that have been contributed in a whole year to the company

2/ What types of Chinese New Year gifts should be offered to staff?

Once you understand the importance of Chinese New Year gifts for staff, you will notice that many companies have planned or delivered gifts, but some are still unsure about which gifts to give. Chinese New Year gifts for staff are both meaningful and cost-effective. And nowadays, there have been many gifts applied by many companies, which are:

  • Bonuses, as well as lucky envelopes.
  • Coupons when buying at the most favorable price.
  • Host year-end parties with a variety of performances and enjoyable activities to help staff bond with one another.
  • Other Chinese New Year gifts include Chinese New Year gift boxes or Chinese New Year gift baskets, wall paintings, wall clocks, ceramics, etc …

3/ What is the best day for the companies to give Chinese New Year gifts to their staff?

The Chinese New Year gift has been chosen by companies, but when to offer it is a conundrum that many businesses face. Because presenting Chinese New Year gifts at the correct moment is a minor detail that can help you demonstrate your love and care for your staff.

 give Chinese New Year gifts to staff
What gifts should be given to staff to be both meaningful and cost-saving for the business?

Generally, the best time to offer Chinese New Year gifts is around a month before the Lunar New Year so staff should be receiving Chinese New Year gifts at this time. At this time, sending Chinese New Year gifts has helped companies take the initiative in preparing and sending gifts. At the same time, that period of giving also helps the recipient to be more active in using the gift.

4/ Is it reasonable to account for the expense of purchasing Chinese New Year gifts for staff?

So, how can the cost of buying Chinese New Year gifts for staff be calculated to be reasonable? What standards are in place to account for the purchasing of Chinese New Year gifts for staff? Is it necessary to provide an invoice when purchasing Chinese New Year gifts for staff? Let you and Julius learn more!

the meaningful and practical Chinese New Year gifts for staff
Chinese New Year gifts for staff are very diverse, so the cost depends on the number of staff and the budget of the companies

Should buy in combo

Purchasing Chinese New Year gifts in the form of combos will help meet the gift’s utility and diversity. The Chinese New Year gift box combo for staff will include a variety of items such as wine, tea sets, confectionery, etc … Choosing to buy in combos will help businesses to consider how reasonable it is to buy Chinese New Year gifts for staff.

Order in bulk, synchronously

Gift store units all have policies on discounting for customers who order wholesale, huge quantities, uniform products, and services when ordering Chinese New Year gifts for staff simultaneously in large quantities. Companies will save a lot of time sourcing and coming up with Chinese New Year gift ideas.

Placing bulk orders will help the manufacturing be done more evenly and quickly, which is also why the cost of ordering Chinese New Year gifts will be more reasonable. Unless you need to divide staff gift groups into distinct categories, you should choose a uniform set of Chinese New Year gifts for staff to help the company optimize costs.

Order Chinese New Year gifts at the appropriate time

The peak season is two months before Chinese New Year, this is when companies and corporations begin placing significant orders. Chinese New Year gift shops will be overcrowded, gift prices will rise, and customer service will be unreliable. Not only that but some stores sell low-quality counterfeit goods. As a result, the three to four months before Chinese New Year is the perfect time to buy Chinese New Year gifts for staff. Companies ordering Chinese New Year gifts will be consulted and cared for more attentively at this time, and staff of Chinese New Year gift shops also feel comfortable when advising companies.

5/ Suggestions [99+] the most meaningful and practical Chinese New Year gifts for staff in 2023 

Many companies would wonder in the days preceding up to Chinese New Year what gifts we will give staff during Chinese New Year. What meaningful and one-of-a-kind Chinese New Year gifts should be offered to staff? Let’s find out more with Julius!


When Chinese New Year arrives in the spring, wrist watches are always one of the most popular gifts for consumers. Not only does it represent the value of time, but it is also a practical gift that can be worn on a daily basis and used for many years. This is also why wristwatches are an appropriate Chinese New Year gift to demonstrate the company’s sincerity to its staff.

Please contact Julius directly via through one of the methods below for the most committed and considerate guidance and support, as well as to choose luxurious watches at affordable prices as Chinese New Year gifts for staff:

Company address : Lot 21A, Jalan Suarasa 8/3, Bandar Tun Hussein On

Mobile no : 0132458917

Email :

the best day for companies to give Chinese New Year gifts to staff
Wrist Watches at Julius brand as Chinese New Year gifts for staff 

Chinese New Year gift box in the traditional style

One of the Chinese New Year gift choices for staff that companies should consider is the traditional Chinese New Year gift box. There are many familiar Chinese New Year foods in this Chinese New Year gift box, such as jam, cake, sweets, soft drinks, coffee, tea,… nn addition, there are also essential products such as cooking oil, monosodium glutamate, seasoning powder, spices to marinade Chinese New Year dishes,…

Chinese New Year gifts for staff
Chinese New Year gift boxes in the traditional style

Beer or beverages

Beer and other beverages are essential items in every Chinese New Year household. New Year’s drinks such as beer, wine, soft drinks, etc… will contribute to a joyful environment at the family tray. Furthermore, they stimulate the taste senses, making Chinese New Year meals more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Chinese New Year red envelopes

The customer way of giving lucky money on New Year’s Day means wishing for luck, fortune, and prosperity in the new year. Red packets contain significant symbolism and bonus value, perhaps not too much, but the staff will sense their company’s heart and gratitude for their dedication.

Chinese New Year gifts for staff
Chinese New Year red envelopes

Chinese New Year bonuses

The Chinese New Year bonus is a good way of expressing gratitude and recognition for staff accomplishments over the last year. This will boost their striving spirit, considerably improving the company’s business activities in the future.

Chinese New Year gifts for staff
The Chinese New Year bonus is symbolic of a compliment and recognition of the staff’s contributions in the past year


Wine with its unique red tint, represents good fortune on Chinese New Year. As a result, if the company has a large budget, wine can be given as a Chinese New Year gift for staff. This will be a meaningful gift, bestowing good luck and blessings on Chinese New Year 2023.

Chinese New Year gifts for staff
Wine adds luck to the Chinese New Year

Year-End party

Organizing a small party at the end of the year to celebrate everyone’s efforts and contributions to the company’s growth is always the most meaningful gift that may boost staff morale. One of the really nice ideas that you can refer to and choose is a year-end celebration combined with a fortunate draw, offering extra promotional cards, and shopping vouchers at some delicious restaurants to your staff.

 give Chinese New Year gifts to staff
Organize a year-end party for company staff

Tray for jam and candy on the Chinese New Year holiday

Every family will remember the platter of jam cake at the welcome table when it comes to Chinese New Year. A very known image of the traditional Chinese New Year ambiance is people gathering around a tray of jam cakes and sharing all joyous stories, sending good wishes to each other. As a result, magnificent trays of jam cakes with a modern and sumptuous style will be appealing gifts that each company should save for the Chinese New Year holiday to give staff.

Chinese New Year gifts for staff
New Year’s Day confectionery and jams become more delicious and unique, thanks to the beautiful and equally solemn containers, which are extremely meaningful and unique gifts that will surely make everyone remember forever

Calendar for the desk or the wall

A wall calendar or a desk calendar is the most meaningful New Year’s gift for staff since it not only indirectly introduces the company’s image to a wider customer but also helps staff recall the company’s image thoroughly. Desk calendars come in a variety of formats, and companies can attach logos and marketing messages to reach many different customer segments. The most popular calendar designs by businesses are peel-off calendars, wall calendars, and desk calendars.

Tea set made of ceramic

Using tea to greet guests symbolizes respect and hospitality in Eastern culture, and a teapot is most likely an item that is always a gift in every kitchen of every home. Porcelain is a material that embodies the fundamental beauty of the nation’s historic craft villages. Porcelain gifts are always opulent, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing, the companies can select mugs, plates, teapots, and other items as Chinese New Year gifts for their staff.

This set of tea cups helps staff have more tools to decorate their homes for Spring 2023. The ceramic set will also be imprinted with the company’s name and slogan, making it an efficient and cost-effective marketing tool that each unit should fully utilize.

Chinese New Year gifts for staff
The more beautifully designed tea cups will make a strong impression on everyone, choosing a set of tea cups as a Chinese New Year gift for staff will have a profound human meaning

6/ Purchase Chinese New Year gifts at Julius brand for staff 

Today, purchasing Chinese New Year gifts is extremely simple, but selecting excellent and distinguished gifts is not for everyone. Julius is proud to be the unit that earns the trust of companies and businesses around the country after many years of operation in the field of giving watches as Chinese New Year gifts.

When you choose Julius, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Offer a variety of products.
  • We have a 24/7 support team with an enthusiastic attitude.
  • There is a return/refund policy if it’s a manufacturer’s fault.
  • There are different prices to suit your financial conditions.

Hopefully, the information on Chinese New Year gift suggestions for staff above will help you find the right gifts to give to your staff every Chinese New Year to spring. If you are in need of buying watches as Chinese New Year gifts for staff, please contact Julius immediately at 0132458917 for more advice!