[99+] Suggestions gifts for your children’s parents-in-law for the New Year to enhance friendship

give Chinese New Year gifts to your children's parents-in-law

Chinese New Year is a beautiful time when everyone sets aside everyday work to spend time with family and enjoy moments of reunion. These days, it is indispensable for the traditional custom that the family members will visit their children’s parents-in-law and give each other gifts. Build the family link by showing care and respect to your children’s parents-in-law. So, how do you choose a meaningful Chinese New Year holiday gift? Let Julius assist you in finding the answer by reading the article below!

1/ Should you give Chinese New Year gifts to your children’s parents-in-law?

New Year’s Eve is an occasion of joy, so it is indispensable for gift baskets to be exchanged. Especially, families will begin to plan to give Chinese New Year gifts to their children’s parents-in-law. This has long been a beautiful Vietnamese habit with many different meanings. Giving Chinese New Year gifts to your children’s partner’s parents has the following connotations:

  • Meaning of greetings at the beginning of the year, wish them health, happiness, and prosperity
  • Connecting the two sides’ patriarchal friendship
  • Increase affection for the children’s parents-in-law with your children
  • The young couple can therefore happily visit and congratulate their grandparents and parents every spring

2/ What Chinese New Year gifts should you buy for your children’s parents-in-law in early 2023?

Ginseng, bird’s nest

Health is always the top concern for everyone, especially the elderly. So, for the upcoming New Year, you can select healthy gifts to produce Chinese New Year gifts for your children’s parents-in-law. Korean ginseng, deer antler, Ganoderma, nourishing seeds (Macadamia nuts, almonds, walnuts…), bird’s nests, etc. are all suitable health gifts.

give Chinese New Year gifts to your children's parents-in-law

It is also encouraged to give functional products that have the impact of promoting health if your children’s parents-in-law have certain health concerns. This will strengthen your relationship with your children’s partner’s parents.


Wine has long been a traditional New Year’s Eve gift for everyone. Wine is a sign of abundance, good fortune and of longevity. On Chinese New Year holidays, people often gather around a cup of wine to deepen their bonds. So choosing to buy a bottle of wine as a gift for the Chinese New Year holiday is meaningful for a deep relationship.

gifts for your children's parents-in-law for the New Year



Giving a watch as a Chinese New Year gift is particularly meaningful for the children’s partner’s parents because it is a your heartfelt thanks to them. Besides, this Chinese New Year gift also helps them look back on the past year, live fully the moments of the gift, and plan for the future. Remind everyone to treasure every moment since watches represent eternity and time never stops.

give Chinese New Year gifts to your children's parents-in-law


Tea is a representation of closeness, simplicity, gathering, a means to exchange thoughts and sincerity, so choosing tea as a Chinese New Year holiday gift to your children’s parents-in-law is a great decision. To pay respect to the children’s partner’s parents, select tea samples that are popular. This will be a wise decision for you, as it is both meaningful and economical.

Ornamental plant pot for New Year’s Day

Everyone, no matter how busy they are, will spend a certain amount of time doing the things they enjoy. Planting, collecting, and caring for decorative plants is one of them, they look after and regard those potted plants to be their spiritual children. To express your love for your children’s parents-in-law, you can also offer them a pot of apricots, a perennial tree, a fortune tree, or a bonsai tree,… if they also like to plant trees.

Agarwood – A spiritual Chinese New Year gift

Frankincense has long been recognized for its numerous health benefits. Currently, agarwood is made into incense buds, incense sticks, and other products to assist people to relax, and relieve fatigue, and stress. Furthermore, agarwood is regarded as one of the most valuable feng shui products for attracting prosperity, gathering fortune, exercising evil, and praying for peace. Agarwood feng shui products such as bracelets, and agarwood sculptures,…

gifts for your children's parents-in-law for the New Year

Various individuals choose frankincense as a Chinese New Year gift for the children’s partner’s parents since it has many health advantages. This is not only an emotional Chinese New Year gift that connects family feelings, but it also expresses the gift giver’s heart and value. A meaningful gift with thousands of good wishes sent to their family.

Give Chinese New Year gift boxes of dried nuts

Dried healthy nuts are quickly becoming a popular Chinese New Year gift. These dried nuts are recognized to provide numerous health benefits, they are natural fruits that are dried in the same way that nuts are. These products practically retain the complete flavor and nutritional elements without the addition of many spices or chemicals.

Choosing dry nut Chinese New Year gift boxes to make Chinese New Year gifts for your children’s parents-in-law is a kind and courteous gift. It simply expresses concern for the recipient’s health and a desire for good fortune in the approaching new year.

Basket of fruits

Fruits or confectionery baskets are Chinese New Year gift baskets that are so familiar to consumers during every Chinese New Year holiday. On Chinese New Year, every Vietnamese family has all of these products, without things like candy and fruits, it appears that the Chinese New Year holiday environment in the family becomes less pleasant and bustling.

gifts for your children's parents-in-law for the New Year

Fruit bouquets and colorful and eye-catching treats will be a beautiful Chinese New Year gift. Giving Chinese New Year gifts to your children’s parents-in-law, such as candies and fruits, also symbolizes wishing them a happy and pleasant New Year.

Traditional Chinese New Year gift basket

The Chinese New Year holiday gift-giving culture is passed down from generation to generation, traditionally, Chinese New Year gift baskets would include Chung cake, glutinous wine, and banana. Today, the traditional Chinese New Year gift basket is still there, but it has changed a bit. Instead of the usual traditional products, these Chinese New Year gift baskets will now include items like chocolates, wine, fruit, and so on. Giving Chinese New Year gifts to your children’s parents-in-law in the form of a traditional Chinese New Year gift basket expresses hope for health, a message of affection, and a desire to strengthen the bond between the two families.

gifts for your children's parents-in-law for the New Year

The dried jam gift basket

Is it appropriate to make Chinese New Year gifts for the children’s partner’s parents using a gift basket of dried jam? Many individuals ponder this because they are scared that if they offer a gift basket of dried jam, it would appear plain and not meaningful enough to provide. However, the value of Chinese New Year gifts lies in the meaningful and precious messages sent to them. As a result, don’t place too much stress on the question of formality. You should choose a gift that is appropriate for your financial situation as well as the recipient’s utility and practicality during the recipient on Chinese New Year holiday.

3/ Some things to consider when buying Chinese New Year gifts for your children’s parents-in-law

To avoid misunderstandings and to lose sympathy on both sides of the family. As a result, when giving Chinese New Year gifts, it is critical to select them carefully. Here are a few things to consider when delivering Chinese New Year gifts to the children’s partner’s parents.

Pay attention to the family’s economic condition

To be able to choose the proper gift for your children’s parents-in-law, examine the status and economy of both sides of the family. When there is a financial disparity between the two families, it is vital to be very careful in gift selection to avoid producing discomfort for both parties. Buying gifts that are too expensive can make the recipient feel uncomfortable and gifts that are too cheap can be perceived as disrespectful. 

Love grows by giving 

In truth, the value of the Chinese New Year holiday present lies not in its monetary value but in how we give it. With a pleasant and courteous giving attitude will boost the value of the present, furthermore the children’s partner’s parents who get it will be delighted and feel cherished. Since then, the love between the two families has grown stronger by the day.

Should learn about the interests of both sides of the family

Referring to your children’s parents-in-law’s preferences in advance is an effective way. Surely everyone loves gifts that suit them. Learning about the preferences of your children’s parents-in-law will help you develop a sympathetic sense of them. If they like something, you should buy and give that gift.

Avoid giving “graceless” gifts.

To avoid losing affection for the children’s partner’s parents, it is best to refrain from presenting “graceless” gifts. There are a few gifts that should not be exchanged on New Year’s Day because they are considered unlucky and will bring bad luck. So, when selecting Chinese New Year gifts for your children’s parents-in-law you must be cautious to avoid making mistakes that lead to misunderstandings and the loss of the two families’ affection. Items like as:

  • Black and white utensils
  • Shoes, comb mirror
  • Sharp gifts
  • Objects associated with fire

Be elegant about the health of your children’s parents-in-law

Choosing gifts related to health issues is a trend that many people choose. Functional or healthy products benefit both health and the bond between two families. Giving Chinese New Year presents connected to health to the children’s partner’s parents demonstrates your sophistication for the extended family. However, these products frequently have adverse effects that must be considered. Here are several examples:

  • Cordyceps should not be overused by adults or by youngsters.
  • Red ginseng extract should not be used by pregnant women or persons who are about to undergo surgery.

4/ Buying Chinese New Year gifts for children’s parents-in-law at Julius brand

The Chinese New Year gift market is always diverse in terms of gift products and suppliers, so if you’re looking for the greatest quality Chinese New Year gifts for your children’s parents-in-law, you can’t go wrong with our Julius brand.give Chinese New Year gifts to your children’s parents-in-law

gifts for your children's parents-in-law for the New Year

Julius would like to provide you with some information and notes about providing Chinese New Year gifts to the children’s partner’s parents via this article. Hopefully, the information Julius will enable you to get more knowledge and select exceptional and meaningful Chinese New Year gifts for your children’s parents-in-law this Chinese New Year holiday.