When is Christmas day? Ideas for [99+] meaningful Christmas gifts

Christmas gifts

Christmas commemorates is the day when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea land, belonging to  Jewish state. This is considered an important day for Christians. This ceremony is solemn and sacred because a supreme being gave birth and made a normal human. So when is Christmas day? What should we give to relatives and friends to make Christmas more meaningful? Let’s learn more with Julius about this article!

1/ What day will be Christmas in 2022?

Christmas gifts

According to the solar calendar, Christmas this year will occur on the evening of Saturday, December 24, 2022, through the end of Sunday, December 25, 2022. Many people may wonder why a special occasion is observed across two days. The reason is Jews often think that the new day will begin at sunset, so they celebrate Christmas early on the evening of the 24th before starting the official ceremony on the whole day of December 25.

2/ What’s the origin of Christmas?

Christmas gifts

nother name for Christmas is Noel (abbreviated from the root Em-ma-nu-el). This is considered an international holiday, commemorating the birth of Jesus God for Christians.

Christmas was first observed by Christians to commemorate the birth of their prophet, whom they understood to be God taken into human form. But as time goes on and during Western holidays, people spend Christmas in an increasingly serious manner. Therefore, with Santa Claus, pine trees, reindeer, and special Christmas gifts, Christmas is regarded as a global holiday.

 3/ Differentiating between 24th and 25th of Christmas

Christmas Eve 24/12 – Vigil

According to Roman Catholicism, “vespers” will be celebrated on December 24th at this time which will draw a sizable crowd of people. At this time, many places such as churches or families decorate caves with managers, inside are placed the statue of the Child Lord with the statue of Mary and surrounded by donkeys, the statue of the Three Kings, some Angel,…

Additionally, the night of December 24 is linked to the idea of a Christmas tree’s birth. Between the years 2000 and 1200 BC, a lot of individuals exchanged stories about an Epicea tree that was festooned with flowers, fruits, and wheat on the day of the Sun’s rebirth.

It is reported that a monk named Saint Boniface came upon a group of fervent pagans who were offering a kid as a sacrifice near the end of the 7th century while on a pilgrimage. He used his hand to smash the oak tree to free the child, and a tiny pine tree sprang there. The pagans were informed by Saint Boniface that this little pine tree represented the Savior’s eternal life and was in fact the “tree of life.” As a result, many people frequently plant pine trees to be used as a sign of new life and hope during Christmas.

Christmas Day 12/25 – Main holiday

The traditional Christmas holiday is celebrated on December 25, which is widely believed to be the day that Jesus was born. However, it is false because there is no proof that Jesus was actually born on that day. What we do know is that Jesus was born on a cold winter night, in a barn of a small inn.

Since then, Christmas has been celebrated by Christians. Before the Roman authorities at the time forbade it, people secretly celebrated on December 25, and Christmas in particular was celebrated on the day of the Roman “Sun God.”

Then, in 312, Roman Emperor Constantine I forbade the worship of the Sun God and converted to Christianity. Therefore, the birthday of Jesus is commemorated on December 25 each year. However, Pope Libero did not declare December 25 to be the day on which everyone should celebrate Christmas until 354 A.D.

Therefore, December 25th is only a customary day observed by everyone in the globe to remember a historical fact: the Son of God became a human and accomplished his mission to save humanity and bring about peace and happiness for all happiness for people.

4/ The meaning of giving Christmas gifts for friends, family

In the past, giving Christmas gifts to Catholics also had deep religious significance. When Jesus was born, the three kings foresaw his mission and came to give precious gifts to God. Additionally, after spotting the guiding star, the nearby poor farmers sent small offerings to God.

Nowadays, when people’s material and spiritual lives improve, people often give gifts to their relatives and friends frequently, not just on Tet but also on holidays like Christmas. Christmas gifts and well wishes convey the giver’s regard for the recipient. Giving gifts nowadays is therefore seen as a way to simulate the actions you take to show your respect, honor, or even sacrifice for those around you without asking anything in return.

Christmas thus also conveys a message of peace. This is also a day when people can show one another compassion and genuinely show love and care for the underprivileged, the abandoned, the lonely, the ill, and the elderly.

5/ [99+] Heartfelt Christmas gifts for your lover

Wondering what to give to your lover at Christmas? Here are some Christmas gift suggestion for your loved one.


Lipstick is consistently viewed as “an inseparable object” for women. So when it comes to selecting a Christmas gift for their lover, boys start with this option. If you are someone who understands your partner, then using a little tact and subtlety, you can choose the best lipstick color for your girlfriend by paying attention to her habits, preferences, and sense of style.

For your girlfriend’s elegant, opulent style, lipstick in shades of bright red, dark brown, or burgundy red is ideal. Additionally, she should have white skin. Furthermore, earth pink and coral orange will make your lover’s heart flutter if she is a soft, feminine, and kind person.


meaningful Christmas gift

An appropriate accessory is a gift that women love. Your girl uses a gorgeous timepiece with a contemporary, opulent design to tell the time as well as to highlight her elegant beauty and chic sense of fashion. Therefore, watches are thought of as possible Christmas (Noel) gifts for loved ones.

You can show your heart to her better if you give her a pretty watch. No matter what, the watch will replace you with her every day and tell her that you should always enjoy the time you spend with her and keep in mind how much she means to you. Your affection for her will never fade.

Women’s watches come in a wide variety of gorgeous and fashionable styles from various companies on the market. Come to Julius Watch brand to choose the most beautiful watch model for your partner and gift her with the most heartfelt gift possible. Giving her lovely women’s watches for Christmas will help you show her how much you care.

Electronic gadget

If your lover is a high-tech enthusiast then Julius thinks that if you have been with your partner for a long time, you will know what your lover enjoys best and will have the appropriate gift for him.

Electronic gadgets and earbuds are good examples. If you are wealthy, don’t be afraid to spend money on expensive items for your loved ones, such as music speakers and phones. Surely this item is not big compared to what he gave you, right? Of course, he’ll be very emotional and give you a big bear hug when he gets this gift.

Cute shaped cookies

 What to give for Christmas?

Aren’t pine and snowman-shaped cookies a traditional Christmas Day treat? Make your own cookies using your own decorating techniques, or bake lovely cupcakes to give to a special someone.

Your lover will feel incredibly warm because to the lovely and delicious pastries. You can eat these delectable desserts while spending time together at Christmas. And of course, you and that individual will have a lovely Christmas this year.


A pleasant aroma not only lifts the user’s spirits, it also acts as a priceless piece of “jewelery” that makes them appear more appealing to others. Perfume is a magical gift. Giving someone perfume demonstrates your appreciation for them. Simple, yet delicate and honest.

With women, they typically go for a sweet aroma like vanilla, almond, floral, or something comparable. Then with men typically favor robust aromas that are still warm from wood and slightly spicy from oriental spices.

Consider perfumes with a passionate, sweet scent blended with a little warmth, such as: vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate, woody, amber if you want to offer your friends and loved ones a gift with a strong Christmas scent.